MagazínShelter for firewood

Who heats with wood or přitápí it only knows that the right storage timber can be fitted into it investment when buying evaluate, but also to lose. Obviously, it is appropriate and desirable to heat the dry wood. But that wood was dry, it should have the time and space to thoroughly dry. It appears appropriate storage, longer billets, under a shed.

Who heats with wood or přitápí it only knows that the right storage timber can be fitted into it investment when buying evaluate, but also to lose. Obviously, it is appropriate and desirable to heat the dry wood. But that wood was dry, it should have the time and space to thoroughly dry. It appears appropriate storage, longer billets, under a shed.

As well as shelter for wood

In essence, economic, garden construction. Pergola can resemble, or is a roofed structure. It is always a need for structure was firmly anchored in the ground. It is not advisable to build a shelter against the wall of the building, suitable as the area around the fencing, which can, in contrast to the building more air to circulate and wood will prosychat faster.


As wood dries to store

Chopped firewood stored outdoors, under cover, not under cover and certainly not in basements or other enclosed spaces. Shelters wood are designed so that the timber is placed on the grid to below the air can circulate. Plenty of space is also under the canopy, the air flow is more important than the good-drying sun.

How long before the wood dries

Wood dries out continuously throughout the year. Dry out by sequentially comparing the moisture content to the atmosphere. Smaller logs dry up sooner than the larger. And the longer the wood dries, the more the heating value is higher. For the drying of the influence quantity of the bark on the log. The bark of the logs is less, the wood will dry faster.


It is preferable to let the wood prosychat the roof, draft is more important than the sun. Moreover, solar radiation darkens the wood. By rain black and then rots, therefore it is always better covered space for storing wood.