MagazínHow to Achieve Clear Water in the Pool

How to have clean and healthy water in the pool for a long time? This is a question that challenges not only the pool owner but also those who want to buy the pool. When swimming, we always wonder if the aftercare of the pool and the pool water will not be so demanding that it spoils us with the pleasure of using our own garden pool.

How to have clean and healthy water in the pool for a long time? This is a question that challenges not only the pool owner but also those who want to buy the pool. When swimming, we always wonder if the aftercare of the pool and the pool water will not be so demanding that it spoils us with the pleasure of using our own garden pool.


Pure water in the pool

It's nice, immerse yourself in clear water and relax. That's all the more pleasant when we can use our own garden pool. It's not just about privacy, it's about to enjoy it at any time. We are also confident that if we take care of the pool properly, we and our children dive into water that is free from defects. Keeping quality water in the pool requires certain principles that we can enjoy for a long time in crystal clear water.

Pool filtration

Filtration is a very important part of the pool technology and should be made with regard to the amount of filtered water. Prerequisite for proper function is to maintain a clean filter charge. The filter charge is usually sand, but it can be added in layers and other filter media.

Filter cartridge

After two years of use, replace the filter cartridge with a new one. This term is recommended to follow even if you feel that your filter cartridge still works. Sand delivered to filter devices has sharp edges that are not visible to the eye. Thanks to them, many tiny impurities are trapped in the filtration. Over time, however, sharp edges are abraded, which reduces the filtering capacity of the filler, and unwanted dirt returns to the pool. This leads to increased consumption of chemical products, turbidity or coloration of green water.

Filtration versus solar heating

Filtering performance is also good to accommodate solar pool heater. In the case of efficient filtration, the water can be heated too quickly and is not enough to heat up during the heating process. The solution is the acquisition of filtration with the possibility of water flow control.

Swimming pool vacuum cleaner

It is a pool accessory that appropriately complements swimming pool filtration and is essential for maintaining good quality water. The good vacuum cleaner can suck up rough dirt from the bottom, but also from the pool walls. Without it, we can not take care of the pool water.


Micro-organisms such as algae, bacteria or viruses are inadequate. We will only remove you with a properly chosen pool chemistry. There is a lot of it on the market, but if we're afraid of demanding dosing, it's good to buy a pool of chemicals precisely dosed in tablets. Water, we keep clean not only with chemistry but also our own shower before entering the pool. For these cases, the ideal outdoor solar shower is ideal.