MagazínGarden pergolas: how is anchored into the ground

For anchoring the pergola into the country uses two ways. The first is anchoring the help of concrete footings or using ground screws. Both methods are the most effective methods and the choice usually depends on the nature of the surface to which it will be anchored pergola.

For anchoring the pergola into the country uses two ways. The first is anchoring the help of concrete footings or using ground screws. Both methods are the most effective methods and the choice usually depends on the nature of the surface to which it will be anchored pergola.

Anchoring the pergola with the help of earth screws

Ground screws for anchoring pergolas and other wooden structures are among the modern and very popular solution. Their use is very easy and does not require undue manual dexterity. Ground screws are not suitable for every terrain such as sand or rocky. By contrast, they are ideal for places where there is only a minimal proportion of stones.

How to use ground screws

To correct application of ground screws need a few tools - installation wrench, hammer-peg and a hammer. First, you need to check is actually suitable for use earth screws. Too wet surface first have to irrigate. In places where you lead screws hammer hammer pins. Into the prepared hole, insert a screw and drill it into the ground.

Another option are equally cheap nailed thorns. These are suitable for small pergola with a lightweight construction.

Pergolas anchoring in concrete or pavemen

For anchoring to concrete or paving use special handles K301. They have a U-shaped snaps with dowels. Into this column is set UCKA pergolas. The substrate must be really hard to make a wooden pergola time begun to wobble.

A reliable solution is to use the aforementioned concrete footings. It is therefor necessary first to dig a hole in which to insert floor brackets and quenched with concrete. That day must harden before it settles into the pergola posts.
In the market you can buy and pergolas, which need not be anchored because of its specific design.