MagazínAdvantages and disadvantages of gas grill

Preparation of meat on an open fire mankind since time immemorial. Even today it is cooked on an open fire and a welcome distraction diet now extends far beyond the flesh. In addition, we currently have a number of helpers, grills, which we facilitate cooking on fire in many ways and grilling is widely popular activity.

April 7, 2017
Preparation of meat on an open fire mankind since time immemorial. Even today it is cooked on an open fire and a welcome distraction diet now extends far beyond the flesh. In addition, we currently have a number of helpers, grills, which we facilitate cooking on fire in many ways and grilling is widely popular activity.


The types of grills

Individual types of grills vary primarily a heat source, depending on the market are also divided in gas, electric and charcoal briquettes. And because even in the world of barbecue grills innovation occurs, we learn about water grills, lava or grills that use food to adjust infrared radiation.

Benefits gas grill

Unlike charcoal grill, a gas grill to comfortably handle. It eliminated the problem with the storage of fuels. Its commissioning simply press and grill on gas emits heat stable and unchanging. Gas grill burner consists of a system from which heat spreads to the burners, which are above the grill grates. The advantage of gas grills is the ability to perfect temperature control and fast food preparation.

The disadvantage grill gas

Food and especially meat prepared on a gas grill is not so interesting flavor, which can be attributed only roasted over charcoal, briquettes or wood. A gas grill does not taste or highlight it in any way nedotváří. Worse on these grills smoked, and some not at all.


In addition to selecting a heat source, it is good to take into account when choosing a grill and the size and simplicity of operation. Also important is the difficulty of maintenance after completion of course barbecue and safe operation.